Dr. M. Zaheeruddin obtained his B.Eng. degree in mechanical engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, in 1977, and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, in 1980 and 1983, respectively. He joined Concordia University in 1987 as Associate Professor. His research is in the field of energy management control systems and dynamic modeling of HVAC thermal processes.
M. Zaheeruddin received the B.E. degree in mechanical engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, in 1977, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, in 1980 and 1983, respectively. From 1983 to 1987, he worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Alberta. Since 1987 he has been a Faculty Member in the Centre for Building Studies, Concordia University, where he now holds the rank of Professor. He presently serves on the editorial board of 'Energy', the International Journal.
Dr. Zaheeruddin's research activities lie in the domain of HVAC and Control Systems:
- Dynamic Modeling of HVAC Thermal Processes: This is an important area of research for improving energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings. Dr. Zaheeruddin has contributed in developing methodologies for state space modeling of HVAC systems and components. A significant number of developed models are used in the design, optimization, identification and model validation studies. Real-time data analysis and diagnostics are some of the ongoing research projects.
- Energy Management Control Systems: Optimal operation of building and HVAC systems is the goal of this research. Dr.Zaheeruddin with his group conducts research in developing intelligent control strategies. Three major activities of this research are Monitoring, Control and Optimization. Significant contributions include: development of decentralized control strategies; preview and adaptive controllers; and neural network based HVAC controllers. Ongoing research projects include online tuning and intelligent controls. Implementation and testing is conducted in a HVAC and Control Systems Laboratory.
- Ongoing Research Areas:
- Decentralized and Multivariable controls
- Optimization of HVAC processes
- Experimental Methods in HVAC Controls
- Computer-Aided Design of HVAC Systems
- Diagnostics of HVAC Systems
Undergraduate Courses
- BLDG 371 - Building Service Systems
- BLDG 471 - HVAC Systems Design
Graduate Courses
- BLDG 6741 - Automatic Controls for Building Environment (New course name is BLDG 6741,HVAC Control Systems)
- BLDG 6761- Intelligent Buildings
Sample Publications
- Zaheer-uddin, M, and Zheng, G.R, (2001) "Multistage optimal operating strategies for HVAC systems", ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.107, Part 2.
- Cho, S.H, Kim, W.T. and Zaheer-uddin, M, (2001) "Thermal characteristics of a personal environment module task air conditioning system: an experimental study", Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 42, pp. 1023 - 1031.
- Zaheer-uddin, M, Zhang, Z.L., and Cho, S.H, (2001) "Augmented control strategies for radiant floor heating systems", Int. Journal of Energy Research, Vol.25.
- Singh, G, Zaheer-uddin, M, and Patel, R.V, (2000) "Adaptive control of multivariable thermal processes in HVAC systems", Energy Conversion & Management , Vol.41, pp. 1671-1685.
- Zaheer-uddin, M, and Zheng, G.R, (2000) "Optimal control of time-scheduled heating, ventilating and air conditioning processes in buildings", Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 41, pp. 49-60.
- Zheng, G.R, and Zaheer-uddin, M, (1999) "Discharge air systems: Modelling and optimal control", Int. Journal of Energy Research, Vol.23, pp. 727-738.
- Cho, S.H, and Zaheer-uddin, M, (1999) "An experimental study of multiple parameter switching control for radiant floor heating systems", Energy, the Int. Journal, Vol.24, pp. 433-444.
- Wei-Ling Jian, and Zaheer-uddin, M., (1998) "Sub-optimal on-off switching control strategies for chilled water cooling systems with storage, Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol.18, No.6, pp. 369-386.
- Zaheer-uddin,M., Monastiriakos, P., (1998) "Hydronic heating systems: transient modelling, validation and load matching control" Int. Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 22, pp. 33-46.
- Cho, S.H. and Zaheer-uddin, M., (1997) "Temperature regulation of radiant floor heating systems using two-parameter on-off control: an experimental study", ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.103(1).
- Zaheer-uddin, M., Zheng, G.R., and Cho,S.H., (1996) "Optimal operation of an embedded-piping floor heating system with control input constraints", Accepted, Energy Conversion and Management.
- Zheng, G.R., and Zaheer-uddin, M., (1996). "Optimization of thermal processes in a variable air volume HVAC system", Energy, the Int. Journal, Vol.21 (5), pp.407-420.
- Zaheeruddin, M. and Patel, R.V. (1995) "Optimal Tracking Control of Multi-Zone Indoor Environmental Spaces", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement & Control, Vol. 117, pp. 292-303.
- Zaheeruddin, M. and Zheng, G.R. (1994) "A VAV System Model for Simulation of Energy Management Control Functions: Off Normal Operation and Duty Cycling", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 34, No. 11.Zaheeruddin, M. (1994) "Preview Control Systems for HVAC", ASHRAE Transcations, Vol. 100, Part 2.
- Zaheeruddin, M., Patel, R.V. and Al-Assadi, S.A.K., (1993) "The Design of Decentralized Robust Controllers for Multizone Space Heating Systems", IEEE, Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 1, No. 4.
- Zaheeruddin, M., (1993) "Decentralized Control Schemes for Heat Recovery Systems", Journal of Heat Recovery and CHP, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 201-212.
- Zaheeruddin, M., and Zheng, G.R., (1994) "A Dynamic Model of Multi-Zone VAV System for Control Analysis", ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 100, Part 1, pp. 219-229.
- Zaheeruddin, M., (1994) "Temperature Control of Multi-Zone Spaces Based on Forecasted and Actual Loads", Building Environment, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 485-493.
- Zaheeruddin, M. and Wang, J.C.Y., (1992) "Start-Stop Control Strategies for Heat Recovery in Multi-Zone Water-Loop Heat Pump Systems", Journal of Heat Recovery Systems & CHP, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 335-346.
- Zaheeruddin, M. and Fazio, P., (1991) "Zone-Adjustable Gas-Fired Modular Heating Systems", Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 31, No. 5.
- Zaheeruddin, M. Rink, R.E., and Gourishankar, V.G., (1990) "Heuristic Control Profiles for Integrated Boilers", ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 96, Part 2.
Mohammed Zaheeruddin received his BE (1987) from Osmania University, and MSc (1980) and PhD (1983) in mechanical engineering from the University of Alberta. He held a post-doctoral research position (1983-1987) in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Alberta. He joined Concordia University as assistant professor in the Centre for Building Studies in 1987 and was promoted to associate professor in 1993.
Dr. Zaheeruddin has expertise in both thermal sciences and control engineering. The combination of these two areas of expertise is what distinguishes his work in the area of HVAC control systems. His research in various aspects of HVAC controls constitutes one of the earliest major contributions in this area.
He has developed a strong externally funded research program in the Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering in intelligent energy management control systems, and he has been instrumental in the establishment of the Thermal Environment and Control Systems Laboratory. He has also developed collaborations with the industry and government agencies.
He is the author of 85 technical papers, including 54 in refereed journals. As a recognized expert in the field of HVAC control systems, he has given several invited lectures and conference presentations.
He was associate editor (1991-1999) of Energy – the International Journal. He is an active member of ASHRAE and serves on the Control Theory and Applications Technical Committee.
Dr. Zaheeruddin has served as undergraduate program coordinator of the building engineering program and is also a member of several departmental and faculty committees.
Dr. Zaheeruddin has expertise in both thermal sciences and control engineering. The combination of these two areas of expertise is what distinguishes his work in the area of HVAC control systems. His research in various aspects of HVAC controls constitutes one of the earliest major contributions in this area.
He has developed a strong externally funded research program in the Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering in intelligent energy management control systems, and he has been instrumental in the establishment of the Thermal Environment and Control Systems Laboratory. He has also developed collaborations with the industry and government agencies.
He is the author of 85 technical papers, including 54 in refereed journals. As a recognized expert in the field of HVAC control systems, he has given several invited lectures and conference presentations.
He was associate editor (1991-1999) of Energy – the International Journal. He is an active member of ASHRAE and serves on the Control Theory and Applications Technical Committee.
Dr. Zaheeruddin has served as undergraduate program coordinator of the building engineering program and is also a member of several departmental and faculty committees.
Source : bcee.concordia.ca, ctr.concordia.ca
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