Dr. K M Abubacker, M.Sc., Ph.D
researcher, scientist, academician, author, administrator, social engineer,
institution builder, motivator, mentor, innovator.
Dr. Abubacker took his M.Sc., in chemistry first class, first rank from Aligarh University followed by Ph.D in Physical chemistry from the same university.
He started his career as a faculty member of Farook College, Kozhikode, in 1950 and retired as a senior scientist of the BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Govt. of India) Mumbai in Dec.1988. During this period besides research work he handled several projects with credit and published numerous research papers in Indian and foreign science journals.
Dr. Abubacker was the founder Member – Secretary of the Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES), an autonomous body responsible for the educational needs of the children of employees of the Dept. of Atomic Energy its units and under takings, till his retirement from BARC. As secretary managed the entire activities of the numerous institutions – with nearly thrity thousand students and over thirteen hundred staff spread over eleven States in the country. It was while in BARC, that he set up a special school for mentally retarded children. In 1973 initiated and organized the Employees Family Relief Scheme for BARC/DAE, then numbering over seventy thousand. Incidetnally this scheme is the forerunner of the Central Govt. Employees Group Insurance Scheme that came into effect four years later. The first even environmental organization in the country SOCLEEN (Society for Clean Environment ) took birth in 1969 in Mumbai as a Trust with Dr. Abubacker as its founder treasurer and Dr. Jassawala as founder President. He was very active in several activities. At BARC he also handled chemistry(pure & applied) classed for trainee officers.
By the time of his retirement from BARC, Dr. Abubacker had distinguished himself not only as a researcher, but also as an organizer, institution builder, educational counselor, social activist, author, academician and administrator.
It was the experience and expertise gained as Secretary of the Atomic Energy Education Society for over ten years that inspired Dr. Abubcker to think in terms of establishing a full fledged institution for career guidance & counseling. On retirement from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in 1988, he came back to Kerala and had several rounds of discussions with eminent educationalists and social activists. And CIGI was born on 01-01-96, the 40th Keralapiravi day.
Source : www.cigi.org
Abubacker sahib is a visionary who kept working for the improvements of the community he belonged. The institutions he initiated and left behind are legandary. May Allah bless him.
ReplyDeleteAbout 3years back AERAK had conducted an awareness program in Kozhikode, organised through him and had opportunity to interact with. May his soul rest in peace
ReplyDeleteMay Almighty Allah shower the Blessings up on him peace & Magfirath, multiply his virtues. dr.yaqoob