The Great Indian Muslim personalities, who participate Indian freedom struggle and also the Muslim citizens, who serve in the various fields like Political, Literature, Education, Islamic Religious Works, Arts & Culture, Science & Technology, Administration, Defence Service, Judiciary, Sports, Philanthropist and Industrialists etc..... Please visit and suggest with E-mail address.

127. Sir ‘’’Sayyid Fazl Ali’’

Sir ‘’’Sayyid Fazl Ali’’, also known as Fazal Ali (September 19, 1886 - August 22, 1959) was governor of Assam and Orissa and a judge . He was knighted by the British government in 1941. He headed the Fazal Ali Commission that made recommendations about the reorganization of India's states . He was governor of Orissa from 1952 to 1956 and of Assam from 1956 to 1959. He died while serving as governor of Assam.

Source : wikipedia

126. Rabia

Mother Teresa of Kerala

She is the Mother Teresa of Kerala. Had she been born into Christianity, she would have been beatified by now. These were the remarks of cultural leaders of Kerala to extol K.V. Rabia, the village woman from Malappuram who rose to global fame by kindling the light of knowledge to hundreds of illiterates, despite being confined to a wheelchair.

Many awards

The country celebrated Rabia in the last two decades by bestowing many an honour on her, including the National Youth Award of 1993, the maiden Kannagi Sthree Shakti Award of 1999, the United Nations Development Programme Award of 2000, and the Joseph Mundassery Award of 2010.
Recognition took Rabia to pinnacles of fame. Books were written about her, and documentaries made her famous. Struck by polio, she has not walked since she was 14.
Having survived a cancer attack at age 32, Rabia broke her backbone in a miserable fall in the bathroom five years later. “It was that fall which cost me so dearly that I continue to suffer its after-effects,” says Rabia. Once described by her teachers as a “tape recorder” for her excellent memory, she has been suffering memory loss after the fall. The incident paralysed her below the neck, totally incapacitating her for several years. For six months, she was confined to a waterbed. Diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol followed thereafter. A drastic change in food intake led to peptic ulcer, which currently annoys her more than anything else.
Today, Rabia cannot hold a telephone receiver for five minutes. “My hands are so weak I cannot even hold a book properly for a few minutes,” she says. She has been advised against using cell phone because of her cancer history. She keeps herself away from computers too for health reasons. Yet her inner spirit burns bright and indomitable. “I don't give too much importance to this temporal life. I will continue to serve society the best way I can… and what matters more is the life after,” Rabia says, reposing an unflinching faith in God.

Fighting the odds

She says the fall she suffered seven years ago was a blessing in disguise. Incapacitation and immobility brought her much-needed peace and quietude, and she eventually became spiritual. She no longer attends any functions. The number of people visiting her at Vellilakkad near Tirurangadi has come down. But her heroic fight against odds has found its way to the textbooks of Stds. IV and V.
Students and teachers who visit her after reading her story in the textbooks are in awe as Rabia tells them the importance of acquiring knowledge both temporal and spiritual. “Never be proud and arrogant when God showers you with blessings; and never whine when God tests you with troubles and crises,” she tells her visitors.
The knowledge-imparting movement she began several years ago pulls on today, though not with the same verve and vigour. The organisation called Chalanam (meaning “movement” in Malayalam) she gave shape to made a lasting impact in the region. Under her patronage, as many as 200 volunteers joined Chalanam, and this organisation runs six schools for the physically challenged.
Rabia could mobilise 60 neighbourhoods as part of a programme she initiated for women's empowerment even before the popular Kudumbasree movement came into existence. They experimented in many things, including paper works, envelopes, pickle, and handicrafts. Currently Rabia manages a Jan Sikshan Sansthan (JSS) unit, offering several job-oriented courses to women, including saree designing and electronic repair works.
Apart from coordinating several village industries for women, she manages a women's library as well. The village of Vellilakkad owes much to Rabia for facilities like road, power and water supply it got some years ago. The State Government has made her a promise — that it will do something to prevent soil erosion taking place behind her house.

125.Syeda Anwara Taimur

Syeda Anwara Taimur (born 24 November, 1936) was the chief minister of Indian state of Assam from 6 December 1980 to 30 June 1981. She is a leader of the Indian National Congress party in Assam. In the history of Assam, she is the only female and Muslim Chief Minister of the state. Her term as chief minister ended when the state was put under president's rule for six months.

Source : Wikipedia

In 1980, Syeda Anwara Taimur created history by being the only female and Muslim Chief Minister of the state of Assam from 6 December 1980 to 30 June 1981. Her term as chief minister ended when the state was put under president’s rule for six months. In 1985, Anowara lost to Abdul Jabbar belonging to United Minority Front. This Front later merged in AIUDF in 2006. In 1991, Anowara won again and became the Minister of Agriculture. In 1996, Anowara lost again. Till this period Anowara continued to be the lone female Muslim candidate from Congress (I), else other parties. The year 2001 could be called an important year for Muslim women as in that year two female Muslim women got elected. They are Husnewara Islam, widow of Zahirul Islam contesting from Mankachar constituency and representing Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and Sharifa Begum, daughter of Dr. Muhammed Idris who was the Congress MLA in Rupohihat and Bhing constituency in 1972-1978, 1983, 1985. These two women could penetrate into the political sphere not due to their capabilities but due to the sphere created by their male family members like husband and father. Idris Ali was a member of assembly for several times and Zahirul Islam was too a prominent congress MLA from Mankachar. Except Sharifa Begum, all Muslim women were from elite Assamese Muslim family and Sharifaa is the first female Muslim MLA representing the Bengali speaking Muslims of Assam.

124. Dr. Mahfooz Ahmad

Honorary Treasurer
Aligarh Muslim University

Born : 19th April, 1934, Kota (Raj) India


B.Com. University of Rajasthan, Herbert College Kota, India 1954.
M.A Economics. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India 1956 (First Division and Awarded gold medal for topping in the University.)
Ph.D. Aligarh Muslim University, 1964 (sub: Small scale Industries and Economic Development).
Current Involvement
1. Honorary Treasurer, Aligarh Muslim University, (AMU)
2. Honorary Treasurer, Hamdard Education Society, Talimabad, Sangam Vihar Delhi
3. Member, Finance Committee, Hamdard University, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi.
4. Member, Hamdard National Foundation, Asif Ali Road, New Delhi.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was born on 19 April 1934 in Kota,Rajasthan, in a poor Sheikh/ Syyed family of El Haj Mushtaq Ahmed a very humble and an honorable man. His mother Hameeda Begum, a Khaandani Syyeda was a dignified and a righteous lady belonging to a zamindar family.
Due to his father's unfortunate demise when he was a kid, the family of El Haj Mushtaq Ahmed, consisting of mother, two brothers and sister, was overtaken by financial difficulties His Brother Munshi Mohammad Ishaq had to cut short his education to feed the family and became a court petitioner in the court of the princely State of Kota. El Hai
Mushtaq Ahmed could not pursue studies due to various family obligations. However, he ensured that his son gets the best education.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed did his schooling and graduation from Kota and his Master's in Economics from Aligarh. It was his father's dream to send him to Aligarh Muslim University for higher education. He fulfilled his father's desire and joined the university in 1954. He obtained MA Economics in 1956, in First Division and was awarded a medal for standing first in the university. He takes lots of pride being one of the favorite students of Prof. D.P. Mukherji, the doyen among university teacher of economics in the country and the Head of Economic Department of Aligarh Muslim Univrsity which in those years was headed by Dr. Zakir Hussain as Vice Chancellor. He was awarded Ph.D in 1964 on Small scale Industries and Economic Development. For Dr. Mahfooz Ahmed the rise from a humble beginning at a government school, to the teacher of economics at Aligarh and Delhi School of Economics and then to the status of a Secretary to the Government of India and retiring as a Justice of High Court, has been quite rewarding.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed during his active professional carrier over a span of 41 years, acquired vast and varied experience in matters of economics and finance at macro and micro levels, as Teacher/ professor of
economics at graduate and post graduate level, Analyst, Researcher, Research guide, Planner and Policy maker at National level, United Nations Consultant and UN Regional advisor in Fiscal and Financial policies, Central banker on deputation to IMF, Expert in International Economic Relations/ Diplomacy/ Negotiations, "Doctor" of Sick
Industrial Companies and Interpreter of Law as a Justice/Judge of High Court. He represented Government of India at many formal meetings on National and International level; participated/Headed/Convened several Group/Committees of the government. He was included in the Delegation of Mrs. Indira Gandhi on her official visit to Saudi Arabia in 1983. He had the privilege of working with distinguished Luminaries including Dr. Manmohan Singh, the PM, Prof. Amartaya Sen (Nobel Laureate) Prof. V K R V Rao, Prof Jagdish Bhagwati, Prof K N Raj, Prof A L Nagar, Prof. K A Naqvi, A.M Khusroo and Prof. Sukumai Chakravarty. He also has the unique distinction of serving as Economic Advisor to seven Union Finance Ministers Shri H M Patel, Shri H N Augean, Choudhri Charan Singh, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Shri Venkatraman, Shri V P Singh and Shri Rajiv Gandhi. As economic advisor he also had the privilege of working with Governors of Reserve Bank of India including I G Patel Dr. Manmohan Singh Dr. Rangarajan and Mr. Bimal Jalan and Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia. The various jobs held by him enabled him to travel to around forty countries in all the 6 continents of the world, North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia.
Career Details

Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was MEMBER AAIFR, ( Appellate Authority for Industrial and Financial Re-Construction), Ministry of Finance, Government of India, 1994-1997 at the level of a Judge/Justice of High Court. He was involved in hearing appeals against Orders of BIFR under the Sick Industries Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985. He was responsible in expediting the legal process in reaching decision on appeals and shortening the backlog. Some judgments recorded by him were legally substantive.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was MEMBER BIFR, (Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction) Ministry of Finance Government of India, , at the level of Secretary to Government of India,1987-1994. The Job of a Member involved re-habilitation and restructuring of Large Sick Industrial Companies, within the framework of Sick Industries Companies Act of 1985. As a founder member of BIFR, participated in establishing/setting up of BIFR and providing guidance in the design/ formulation and implementation of re-habilitation/ restructuring schemes by Banks and Institutions; held "hearing" similar to that of High Court, at head quarters at New Delhi and at State capitals; Bombay Calcutta, Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Bhubneshwar, Hyderabad, cochin and Lucknow.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was Chief Economic Advisor, Bank of Zambia, Lusaka, 1983-1986, On deputation from Government of India to International (IMF). He was involved in designing/ formulating and execution of monetary policies of Zambia and day to day operations of the Central Reserve Bank and dealing with International and monetary affairs/negotiations. He assisted in computerization of foreign exchange operations of the bank and setting up of the IMF sponsored foreign exchange auction regime of Zambia.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was Economic Advisor, Department of Economic, Affairs Ministry of Finance, Government of India, 1978-1986. He joined the government of India as lateral entry at the level of joint secretary plus through selection by Union Public Service Commission. He was involved in formulating, designing and advising on economic policies for the country. He assisted in writing/preparing the Annual Surveys of Ministry of Finance, Government of India, for years 1979-1983. He represented India in many International meetings and Seminars UN, UNCTAD, GROUP 77, IMF, IBRD, at Paris (France), Belgrade (Yugoslavia), Buenos Aires (Argentina), George Town (Jamaica), Washington and New York( USA), Geneva (Switzerland), Tripoli (Tunisia), Bangkok (Thailand). He accompanied Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi on a official visit to Saudi Arabia as the Economic Advisor M/o Finance. Mr. Hamid Ansari the then the Joint Secretary and Chief of Protocol was also the part of the delegation.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed has the unique distinction of serving as Economic advisor to seven Union Finance Ministers Shri H M Patel, Shri H N Bahuguna, Chaudhary Charan Singh, Shri Prefab Mukherjee, Shri Venkat raman, Shri V P Singh and Shri Rajiv Gandhi. As economic advisor he also had the privilege of working with Governors of RBI including Dr. I G
Patel Dr. Manmohan Singh Dr. Rangarajan Mr. Bimal Jalan and Montek Singh Ahluwalia.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was Regional Advisor in Fiscal and Financial policies, 1972-1974. ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand. He was among the youngest Regional Advisors in the UN system at the age of 38 years. He represented United
Nations in many meetings / Seminars in Fiji and Philippines. He went on advisory missions to Governments of Asia and Far East: Iran, Nepal, Laos, Papua New Guinea; He also was included as an expert in UN recruitment mission to Japan along with assistant secretary General of UN. He assisted in writing the ESCAP's annual surveys of Asia Far
East, for years 1969, 1972, 1973, 1974 respectively.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was a Consultant, United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and Pacific, ESCAP Bangkok Thailand, 1969. He worked on a monograph "strategies for agricultural development" which was included in Part I of the Annual Economic Survey of Far east published by ESCAP 1969.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was Senior Reader in Economics, Delhi University/ Delhi School of Economics, 1966-1978. He taught at post graduate level and guided research on Economic Development. He had the privilege of working
as colleagues with distinguished Luminaries including Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prof. Amartaya sen (Nobel Laureate), Prof. V K R V Rao ,Prof Jagdeesh Bhagwati, Prof K N Raj, Prof. A L Nagar, Prof. K A Naqvi, Prof.Sukumai Chakravarty, Prof A..M. Khusro.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was a Lecturer in Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, 1961-1966. He taught at Graduate and Post Graduate level in the Department of Economics. He was Research Fellow, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1956-1961. He was personally appointed by Professor P C Mahalanobis, the father of Indian Planning. He assisted in the preparation of the Second Five Year Plan of India.

Dr Mahfooz Ahmed has published various articles in economic journals. He has written monographs and analytical papers; and has written extensively for the Government of India and the United Nations. His research work on Income Distribution in India is well recognized. The topic of his PhD Thesis was Small Scale Industries and Economic
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed was invited to attend a conference on Islamic economics at Mekkah, Saudi Arabia in 1979. He was also invited to attend an International Seminar on Islamic economics at University of Oxford, England, attended by well known scholars in 1982. He performed the holy pilgrimage of Hajj with his familyin 1985 and 1986.
Dr Mahfooz Ahmed lives in Delhi with his family.


123. C. K. Jaffer Sheriff

 Here is a brief profile of the Bangalore-North Constituency candidate, which will be a ready reference for your publication at anytime. The profile provides insight into his vast tenure in Indian politics.

Shri C. K. Jaffer Sharief has been instrumental in the modernization of the Indian Railways during his tenure as Minister for Railways. He is a relentless congress worker for decades who has strengthened the party at all levels irrespective of the position he held. His work particularly in the upliftment of the downtrodden is immense. His mass base speaks of his ability to deliver what he promises.
• Challakere Kareem Jaffer Sharief, son of Late Janab C.Abdul Kareem, was born in an agricultural family in the town Challakere in Chitradurga District of Karnataka.

• He was drawn to freedom struggle in forties while still a student and took active part in it, giving up his studies at the prime of his youth. Since then wedded to the ideologies of the Congress, he has stood steadfast by the Congress Party throughout its historical struggle for freedom of the country as well as for making free India a strong and self-reliant nation.

• He has held various positions in the Indian National Congress party over a long span of his political career. Beginning his political career as a Seva Dal Volunteer in forties he has risen to the positions of prominence both in the Party and the Government by sheer dent of his hard work, devotion to the cause of upliftment of poor and downtrodden and deep commitment towards the principles and policies for which the Congress stands. He served and strengthened the party as General Secretary, All India Congress Committee and also as Chairman, Minority Department of All India Congress Committee. He served the Government of India as Minister of State, Minister of State with Independent Charge & Cabinet Minister in Union Council of Ministers. Presently he is a permanent Invitee of Congress working committee, the highest policy making body of Indian National Congress Party.

• He is a leader with mass appeal. The people of Karnataka have bestowed their deep love and affection on him, which is reflected by his long tenure in Lok Sabha since 1971. After about two decades of service to the Party at District, State and National Levels he was first elected to the Fifth Lock Sabha in 1971 from Kanakapura Constituency in Karnataka. Thereafter he was returned to the Parliament by the people of Bangalore (North) Parliamentary Constituency for a record 7 times. His serving in parliament (Lok Sabha) for a total of 8 terms is a record in itself which only a few can match in the Indian politics.

• During his long tenure in parliament, he has been associated with various Standing Committees of Parliament and Consultative Committees of various Ministers. He has a very rich experience of the working of various Ministries. He was a Minister of State for Railways in 1980 when Smt. Indira Gandhi returned to power as Prime Minister. His four year stint in Ministry of Railways was followed by Independent charge of Ministry of irrigation till the next General Elections. He also served the country as a Minister of State for Coal from February 1988 to November 1989.

• With the return of Congress Party to power in June 1991, he was assigned the responsibility of heading the important infrastructure Ministry of Railways as a Cabinet Minister. His dynamic leadership and vast administrative experience has not only helped this largest service organization to come out of flat but also provided new momentum to its growth. His ambitious Uni-gauge project aimed at elimination of multi-gauge bottleneck of railway system and enhancement of faster/higher carrying capacity has immensely contributed for Indian Railway’s turn-around magic. His visionary leadership has helped backward regions of the country to come into national main stream and made the vast Railway net work a profitable venture. He served as Union Minister of Railways from June 1991 to Oct 1995.

• During his stint as Railway Minister, Karnataka State emerged as a major beneficiary with 1000 kms of Gauge Conversion works out of 6000 kms sanctioned for entire country. He was instrumental for the establishment of NEW RAILWAY ZONE IN KARNATAKA [SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY], RAIL WHEEL FACTORY (Formerly WHEEL AND AXLE PLANT], INLAND CONTAINER DEPOT/WHITE FIELD, RAILWAY TERMINAL BOARD, YASHWANTHPUR RAILWAY STATION AS 3rd RAILWAY TERMINAL FOR BANGALORE.

• A study conducted by Ministry of Statistics in 2004 accredited him amongst the few dynamic members of Parliaments who had spent 100% MPLAD Funds during 13th Lok Sabha for developmental works in their Parliamentary Constituencies.

• Despite his heavy responsibilities and busy schedules he still finds time for over seeing the activities and guiding prominent educational institutions rendering yeoman service to backward and minority communities in the country. He is the Chairman of the Governing Council of the K.N.S.Memorial Charitable Trust, Bangalore which is running an Engineering College in the name of K.N.S.Institute of Technology, Bangalore. He is also a life member of the Society for Communal Harmony in India and presently Vice President of the Society.

Eid-ul-Fitr Celebrations: Veteran Congress leader and former Union Minister C K Jaffer Sharief wishing happy Eid to a devotee after Namaz on the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, in Bangalore on October 14, 2007.

• Married to Smt. Amiena Bie, a pious and generous lady all along her life. They had two sons and two daughters from their wedlock. He lost his youngest son Khader Nawaz Sharief on January 29, 1999. He lost his wife recently on Dec 10, 2008. He is a loving father and spends his free time with his family and particularly loves to be in the company of his grand children. His favorite pastimes are interacting with people from different walks of life, reading and traveling. He has traveled extensively throughout India and abroad including as head of Ministerial delegations. He had been to USA, USSR, UK, UAE, CANADA, FRANCE, GERMANY, HOLAND, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, HONG KONG, THAILAND, SINGAPORE, JAPAN, KUWAIT, SAUDI ARABIA, SYRIA, LEBANON, IRAQ, SRILANKA, LIBYA AND BRAZIL.

Consolation: Bharatiya Janata Party leader L K Advani consoles former Union minister and Congress candidate from Bangaore North Lok Sabha constituency C K Jaffer Sharief on the sudden demise of his son, at his residence in Bangalore on April 21, 2009.

Former Indian skipper Mohd Azharuddin receives the Tipu Sultan Shaheed award from former Union minister C K Jaffer Sharief (right) at a function organised by Karnataka Muslim Muttahida Tahreek, in Bangalore on May 21, 2005.

JD (S) supremo H D Deve Gowda hugging Congress senior leader C K Jaffer Sherif during the Iftar party, hosted by H D Deve Gowda for Muslim community as a part of Ramzan festival in Bangalore on October 8, 2007.

Senior Congress leader C K Jaffer Shariff (right) being felicitated by former Vice-President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat at the 75th birth anniversary of the former, at Chowdiah Memorial Hall in Bangalore on November 3, 2008.

(L to R) - C K Jaffer Sharief, Sidharamaih, S M Krishna, Malikarjun Karge and Dharam Singh, senior leaders and members of the Congress Party's Election Committee, during a meeting in Banglore, on April 3, 2008.

Photo shows (L to R) - Congress manifesto Committee Chairman, C K Jaffer Sharief with S M Krishna, Chairman, Election Management & Co-ordination committee, and President of Karnataka Pradesh Congress committee, Mallikarjun Kharge, at a Press conference in Bangalore, on April 3, 2008.

(L - R) S M Krishna, senior Congress leader, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) president Mallikarjun Kharge and senior Congress leader C K Jaffer Sharief wave to the crowd, during the KPCC meeting for the final campaign prior to the Karnataka assembly elections, in Bangalore on May 8, 2008.

(L - R) AICC general secretary in charge of Karnataka, Prithviraj Chauhan displays the party manifesto with committee chairman C K Jaffer Sharief, KPCC president Mallikarjun Kharge, former chief minister N Dharam Singh and AICC general secretary B K Hariprasad during the release function of the manifesto of the Indian National Congress, in Bangalore on May 1, 2008.

C K Jaffer Sharif - Congress leader and Union Railway Minister in his office before presenting the Railway Budget in the Capital, on March 15, 1995.
C K Jaffer Sharif - Congress leader and Union Railway Minister in his office before presenting the Railway Budget in the Capital

Source :

122. Alhaj B. S. Abdur Rahman

B. S. Abdur Rahman, (Tamil: அப்துர் ரஹ்மான்) also known as Sena Aana, is the Vice-Chairman of Dubai-based ETA Star Group, one of the most powerful players in the UAE's real estate and trading sectors. He is also the Chancellor of B. S. Abdur Rahman University (formerly B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College), Vandalur, Chennai. B. S. Abdur Rahman is one among the prominent Tami Muslims and a leading businessman in Tamil Nadu. His family is better known as the Buhari Group. His networth was estimated at $1 billion in 2005.
He is a philanthropist and associated with many educational and social service organisation in India and abroad. In recognition of his services in the field of education, business, health care, social service and communal harmony, the Sathyabama University has conferred an Honorary Doctorate on him in 2005 at Chennai.
His company built several landmarks, businesses and institutions in Chennai viz. Chennai Citi Centre, Chepauk Stadium, Anna Nagar Tower, Marina Lighthouse, Valluvar Kottam, Government General Hospital, Gemini Flyover, Raheja Towers, Star Health and Allied Insurance, Crescent Engineering College, etc..

Positions held

Abdur Rahman holds the following positions in other companies:
  • Chairman, Buharia Holding (P) Ltd, Chennai
  • Chairman, ABR Enterprises (P) Ltd, Chennai
  • Chairman, West Asia Maritime Ltd, Chennai
  • Chairman, West Asia Exports & Imports Pvt Ltd, Chennai
  • Chairman, East Coast Constructions & Industries (P) Ltd, Chennai
  • Chairman, Sethu Investments Pvt Ltd, Chennai
Source : Wikipedia

Alhaj Dr. B.S.Abdur Rahman, lovingly called 'Sena Aana' by people of Kilakarai. A well known personality in the field of Education, Economy and Industry and a Philanthropist of par excellence, hails from Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu, Besides his business activities he concentrates on the upliftment of the economically weaker sections and minorities through education, employment, health facilities and rural development. At present he pays more attention on "Women Education". His large heartedness and far sightedness have produced many a institutions of excellence, through which his services continue to benefit the poor, downtrodden and the under privileged sections of the society. He traces his lineage to first Caliph of Islam, Hazrat Abubakr Siddiq (RA)


He feels that education is the key that opens the solutions to the socio economic problems of the society. Hence he founded the following Institutions through whcih all his Educational & Literacy activities are carried out.

1. The Seethakathi Trust
2. All India Islamic Foundation
B.S. Abdur Rahman University

4. Islamic Studies & Cultural Centre
B.S.Abdur Rahman Zakat Foundation Trust

1. Crescent Residential Matricualtion Higher Secondary School, Vandalur, Chennai - 600 048.

A fully residential school that caters to the needs of children from India & abroad. The first educational Institution started by him.

2. Crescent Matriculation Higher Secondary School for Girls, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 006.

3. Nagore Crescent Matriculation Higher Secondary School for Girls, Nagore - 611 002.

4. Madurai Crescent Matriculation School for Girls, Madurai - 625 014.

II COLLEGES 1. BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College, Vandalur, Chennai - 600 048.
This outstanding technical institution offers Under-graduate courses in various Engineering disciplines. This college also offers Post-graduate courses.

2. Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai
This college for Women is situated at Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram District. The long felt need of the pople in this remote rural area is fullfilled by the establishment of this college. This college offers Under-graduate & Post-graduate courses.

3. Kilakarai Bukhari Aalim Arabic College, Vandalur.

III EDUCATIONAL CENTRES 1. Crescent Career Guidance & Coaching Centre, (Chennai) for IAS, Professional courses entrance exams (1994). This centre guides and trains the bright students from the economically weaker sections & minorities for all the competitive examinations.

2. Islamic Studies & Cultural Centre, Chennai.
This library besides being a public library offers facilities for research, organises weekly book review meetings & publishes books.



To provide better medical facilities to the rural masses at their door step, he started a well equipped hospital at Kilakarai, which was inaugurated by Mr. R. Venkataraman the then President of India. besies he has assisted many such hospitals in various other villages.

A) Hospital

Yousuf Zulaikha Medical Centre, Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram District
This hospital has out-patient and inpatient facilities, clinical lab with all diagnostic equipments. The hospital is conducting regular medical camps in rural and remote villages to provide easy accessibility to the medical facilities available in towns and cities.
B) Assisted with Funds

Primary Health Centre, Velanoor

C) Motivated

1. Shifa Hospital, Adirampattinam, Thanjavur District
2. K.M.T. Hospital, Kayalpatnam, Tuticorin District
3. Crescent Hospital, Dr Besant Road, Chennai-14


He feels that a sound mind in a sound body is a healthy trend of development of the youth in this country. Hence much importance is being given to NSS, NCC, Scouts and other youth activities in all his institutions. Hence to promote sports activities and to imbibe sports culture in the minds of yougsters, he constructed and donated a stadium with all facilities for indoor games, gymnasium and a gallery to Tamil Nadu Government. Under the purview of Sports Authority of Tamil Nadu during 1997. The stadium was inaugurated by prof. K.Anbazhagan, Hon'ble Minister of Education Govt. of Tamil Nadu in the presence of Shri. R.Dhanushkodi Athithan, Minister of State, (Department of Youth Affairs & Sports), Government of India, The stadium was named as Seethakathi Sethupathi Stadium, which depicted a touch of communal harmony in the minds of the people.

He is the founder of UNITED ECONOMIC FORUM through which he has organised number of economic development activities and encouraged social work.


He has founded and financially aided the following Orphanages.


1. Al-Mumin Seethakathi Children Home,
Sakkaraikottai, Ramanathapuram District

2. Al-Mumin Umar Pulavar Children Home
Ottapidaram, Tuticorin District

3. Al-Mumin Shahul Hameed (Wali) Children Home,
Thanjavur, Thanjavur District

4. Al-Mumin K.T.M.S. Hamid Children Home (Girls)
Kilakarai Ramnad District

5. Al-Mumin Malik Dinar Children Home (Girls)
A. FIFTH INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC TAMIL LITERARY CONFERENCE Sponsored by the Seethakathi Trust founded by him. This conference was held at Kilakarai from 30th December 1990 to 1st January 1991.
The conference Inaugurated by Dato Samivelu, Minister of Malaysia was well attended by Tamil Scholars from different parts of the world, namely Srilanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong and UAE. The three day conference had different sessions on various aspects of Tamil Literature and nearly 24 books were released. The valedictory function was presided over by Dr. Kalaingnar M.Karunanidhi, the then Cheif Minister of Tamil Nadu.

Sponsored by the Seethakathi Trust and All India Islamic Foundation founded by him. This conference was conducted at Crescent School Campus, Vandalur, Chennai - 48, from 21 to 23 December 1996. It was inaugurated by prof. K. Anbazhagan under the Presidentship of Justice Fathima Beevi, the present Governor of Tamil Nadu.
This conference concentrated on the topic namely "Education, Employment and Enterpreneurship of Muslim Women". This conference was well attended by Muslim Women from India and abroad. The Valedictory session was presided over by Thiru G.K.Moopanar, M.P., Dr. Thahir Mahmood, Chairman, National Minorities Commission gave the valedictory address.


A Biomonthly magazine in English, published from New Delhi being promoted by Mr. B.S. Abdur Rahman Serving the cause of our nation in general and weaker sections in particular.
In recognition of his services in the field of education, the Aligarh Muslim University students union conferred in the Honorary Life Membership in the presence of Prof. Faruqui, Vice Chancellor and Prof. Abdul Hassan Siddique, the pro. vice Chancellor of the University.
AlHaj Dr.BSA. Rahman, Dr.Kamal Haasan & Jeppiaar

In recognition of his services in the field of business, social service and education, the Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology - Deemed University is conferred an Honorary Doctorate on 17th Jan 2005.

121. Asghar Ali Engineer

(10 March 1939 – 14 May 2013) 

Asghar Ali Engineer, an Indian Muslim, is an Islamic scholar, reformist-writer and activist. Internationally known for his work on liberation theology in Islam, he leads the Progressive Dawoodi Bohra movement. The focus of his work is on (and action against) communalism and communal and ethnic violence in India and South Asia. He is an advocate of a culture of peace, non-violence and communal harmony, and has lectured all over world. He is presently the head of the 'Institute of Islamic Studies' and the 'Centre for Study of Society and Secularism', both of which he founded in 1980 and 1993 respectively. He currently contributes to The God Contention, a web site comparing and contrasting various worldviews.


Asghar Ali Engineer was born 10 March 1939 in Salumbar, Rajasthan, India as the son of a Bohra priest, Shaikh Qurban Hussain. He was given training in Qur'anic tafsir (commentary), tawil (hidden meaning of Qur'an), fiqh (jurisprudence) and hadith (Prophet's sayings), and learnt the Arabic language.
He graduated in civil engineering from Vikram University in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh), and served for 20 years as an engineer in the Bombay Municipal Corporation before taking voluntary retirement in 1972, to devote himself to the Bohra reform movement.
He began to play a leading role in the reform movement in 1972 when a revolt took place in Udaipur. He was unanimously elected as General Secretary of The Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community in its first conference in Udaipur in 1977. In 2004 due to criticism of the Dawoodi Bohra religious establishment he was expelled. In 1980, he set up, Institute of Islamic Studies, in Mumbai, to create a platform for progressive Muslims in Indian and else where. Subsequently, through the 1980s, he wrote extensively on Hindu-Muslim relations, and growing communal violence in India. Asghar Ali Engineer has been instrumental in publicizing the Progressive Dawoodi Bohra movement through his writings and speeches. In 1993, he founded, 'Center for Study of Society and Secularism' to promote communal harmony.
Over the years, he has authored more than 50 books  and many articles in various national and international journals, and is founding chairman of the 'Asian Muslim Action Network', director of the 'Institute of Islamic Studies', and head of the 'Center for Study of Society and Secularism' in Mumbai, where he works closely with scholar and scientist Professor Dr Ram Puniyani.


 Beliefs on women's rights

An aspect of Engineer’s belief of women’s equality is that of his 21st century mindset, which can be seen throughout all of his opinions. The situation in the Muslim world reflects the status quo, according to Engineer. With respect to the suppressive, patriarchal nature of contemporary Islamic states, Engineer writes that “Women do not enjoy the status the Qur’an has given them in Muslim society today.” Engineer believes that in this day and age women should be equal to men. “Women had internalized their subjugation of men as the latter were the breadwinners. Since then women have become quite conscious of their new status.” Women are sometimes the “breadwinners” of the household while the man stays home, now. In the past it would be inconceivable to think that a woman was allowed out of the house, but now they are an active earning member of the family even in places like Saudi Arabia. Women have now been Prime Ministers, even against opposing views. However, women are not treated totally equally in all Muslim establishments, and that is what Engineer is fighting to change. He wants to see equality across the board, considering the present time.
Today women are much more educated and much more aware and hence would consider it undignified to live with a co-wife and share her husband’s attention and love with her. Women today are smarter than the past and know that they deserve better rights, according to Engineer. He believes that people who support an unjust order, or remain silent in view of gross injustices is not a religious person. He goes as far to say that people need to wage jihad against all forms of exploitation and injustices and to Engineer women’s inequality is top on his priority list of injustices. However, there are people that suggest that his interpretations of the Qur'an are not strong enough to get people to change their beliefs surrounding women’s place in Islam. Sikand thinks that Engineer’s opinion is based on his interpretation of the Qur'an and his outlook on the 21st century instead of the interpretations that the Qur'an has now. “His understanding of Islam is indelibly shaped by his concern for social justice and inter-communal harmony, of course.” Engineer’s ideas are not as controversial as they used to be, because since the 21st century is big on attempting to make people equal; it has helped the equality of women, though not enough for Engineer’s standards. Engineer believes that women should be treated equally to that of men, because of his understanding of the Qur'an and because of the 21st century.


He has been awarded several awards, including the Dalmia Award for communal harmony in 1990, honorary D.Litt. by the University of Calcutta in 1993, the 'Communal Harmony Award' in 1997 and the Right Livelihood Award in 2004 (with Swami Agnivesh) for his 'strong commitment to promote values of co-existence and tolerance'.

Some works

  • Origin and Development of Islam: An Essay on Its Socio-Economic Growth. , by Asghar Ali Engineer, Asghar Ali Engineer Staff. Published by South Asia Books, 1980. ISBN 0-8364-0590-0.
  • The Islamic State. Published by Vikas, 1980. ISBN 0-7069-1086-9.
  • Sufism and Communal Harmony
  • Islam and Its Relevance to Our Age. Published by Institute of Islamic Studies, 1984.
  • On developing theory of communal riots. Published by Institute of Islamic Studies, 1984.
  • Islam and Revolution. Published by Ajanta Publications, 1984.
  • Islam and Muslims: a critical reassessment. Published by Printwell Publishers, 1985.
  • Islam in South and South-east Asia. Published by Ajanta Publications, 1985. ISBN 81-202-0152-3.
  • Indian Muslims: A Study of Minority Problems in India. Published by Ajanta Publications (India), 1985.
  • Communalism in India, by Asgharali Engineer, Moin Shakir. Published by Ajanta Publications (India), 1985. ISBN 81-202-0153-1.
  • The Role of minorities in freedom struggle. Institute of Islamic Studies (Bombay, India). Published by Ajanta Publications, 1986.
  • Ethnic conflict in South Asia. Published by Ajanta Publications, 1987.
  • Status of women in Islam. Published by Ajanta Publications (India), 1987. ISBN 81-202-0190-6.
  • The Shah Bano controversy, Orient Longman, 1987. ISBN 0-86131-701-7.
  • The Muslim communities of Gujarat: an exploratory study of Bohras, Khojas, and Memons. Published by Ajanta Publications, 1989. ISBN 81-202-0220-1.
  • Religion and Liberation. Published by Ajanta Publications (India), 1989. ISBN 81-202-0264-3.
  • Communalism and communal violence in India: an analytical approach to Hindu-Muslim conflict. Published by Ajanta Publications (India), 1989.
  • Communal Riots in Post-independence India. Published by Orient Blackswan, 1991. ISBN 81-7370-102-4.
  • Secular crown on fire: the Kashmir problem. Published by Ajanta Publications, 1991. ISBN 81-202-0311-9.
  • Mandal Commission controversy. Published by Ajanta Publications, 1991. ISBN 81-202-0312-7.
  • Rights of Women in Islam. Sterling Publishers, 1992.
  • Communalisation of politics and 10th Lok Sabha elections, by Asgharali Engineer, Pradeep Nayak. Published by Ajanta Publications, 1993.
  • The Bohras. South Asia Books, 1994. ISBN 0-7069-7345-3.
  • Kerala Muslims: a historical perspective. Published by Ajanta Publications, 1995.
  • Lifting the veil: communal violence and communal harmony in contemporary India. Sangam Books, 1995. ISBN 81-7370-040-0,.
  • Problems of Muslim Women in India. Published by Institute of Islamic Studies, 1995.
  • Rethinking Issues in Islam. Sangam Books Limited, 1998. ISBN 0863117686.
  • Competing nationalisms in South Asia: essays for Asghar Ali Engineer, by Paul R. Brass, Achin Vanaik, Asgharali Engineer. Published by Orient Blackswan, 2002. ISBN 812502221X.
  • Islam in India: The Impact of Civilizations. Shipra Publications, 2002. ISBN 8175411155.
  • The Qurʼan, women, and modern society. Published by New Dawn Press Group, 2005. ISBN 1932705422.
  • The State in Islam: Nature and scope. Hope India Publications, 2006. ISBN 8178711028.
  • Islam in Contemporary World. Sterling Publishers, 2007. ISBN 1932705694.
  • Islam in Post-Modern World. Hope India Publications, 2009.
Source : Wikipedia