The first person to win the V.T.Bhattathiripad Award. Solace is her brain child and is the chief architect for its formation. She is dedicated and sincere to her cause.she is the recipient of Ramankutty Achan Award in 2008 for best Social Worker. She was selected the Vanitha Women of the Year 2011 and CNN Real Hero Award 2011.Her book “Nadannu Poyaval” received the “Awani Bala” Award. Her new book Aazhathil Pathinja Chitrangal has just been published.
Sheeba Ameer, a house wife, after seeing her 13 year old daughter battle cancer decided to step out of her home to help other parents of terminally ill children. She runs an organisation 'SOLACE' which acts as a support system for many parents in Kerala. For these parents, Sheeba is a friend, a saviour and their Real Hero. Nita Ambani Felicitating the efforts of Sheeba.
Daya Bai, (right) recipient of the P. K. A. Rahim Memorial Award, donating the prize money to Sheeba Ameer of Solace, an organisation that serves children with long-term illnesses, at the award-presentation ceremony in Thrissur

Solace has been the brain child of our secretary Mrs. Sheeba Ameer who has been actively involved in Pain and Palliative Care Society, Trichur for the past seven years. For a long period she was nurturing this idea of setting up an organization dedicated for the care and support for children with incurable/long term illnesses. Her vision was to provide a comprehensive care for the children which include support for curative treatment as well as palliative care. This was not possible in the pain & palliative care society in which she was working. Unlike adults; palliative care for children is more challenging. In the case of children palliative/oncology interface is very crucial. Aggressive treatments are quite often rewarding in pediatric malignancies, the only problem being the enormous expenses of such treatments. After care of these illness prone children are really an uphill task in financial terms . The personal care of these children also requires utmost hygienic conditions. At time these children may suddenly succumb to infections marring all the otherwise regained hopes and aspirations of the patient and parents. Cost of medicines and related expenses to overcome the infections are indeed unaffordable to such poor parents. Usually the parents are devastated both financially and mentally.
Having gone through the pain of
seeing her thirteen-year-old daughter battle cancer, Sheeba Ameer, a house wife,
decided to step out of her home to help other parents of terminally ill
children. Today her organisation SOLACE acts as a support system for many
parents in Kerala who cannot afford expensive treatment for their children. For
these parents, Sheeba is a friend, a saviour and their Real Hero.
Source :,
I am privileged to listen to Madam Sheeba address the Marathoor Residents Association tonight. She is a universal person, a true product of the all inclusive India! Her appeal to parents to teach children the importance of giving as much as receiving is most timely. Her reference to the moon as a giver of whatever light it receives from the sun as an example is startling.
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